Our Mentoring Services

Our popular mentoring provision allows our mentors to develop positive relationships with pupils who may be experiencing difficulties at home, may find the school setting challenging, may struggle socially, may lack confidence, may lack resilience, or may just need that bit of extra support or something to look forward each week to make their school life a more positive experience.

Please see below for our full range of services and if you are interested in any of our mentoring sessions at your school, please get in touch.

1-2-1 In Class Support

Our mentors can offer pupils support within the classroom setting. We can be on hand throughout a morning or afternoon slot to help a designated individual with classwork, be on hand to keep them engaged whilst defusing any potential situations that may usually occur and to help them develop friendships within their class group. The added benefit of having a mentor in class is the bonus of them being able to remove the child at any point for any given reason such as for a controlled energy release.

1-2-1 Behaviour Support

Sport can be a fantastic gateway for children who may find classroom-based provision difficult. It can also be a great tool to improve social skills, independent learning and controlling emotions. Our coaches can deliver tailored sessions either in small groups or 1:1 to help those children who would really benefit from a controlled energy release during the school day. We have been highly recommended by Dr Jan Filer for our behaviour support provision.

Small Group Work for Focusing on Key Areas

We can work in small groups of up to 4 for KS1 or up to 6 for KS2 and work towards a specific target. This could be developing social skills, boosting confidence, improving resilience or something more specific relating to the selected pupils.

Breaktime or Lunchtime Engagement

Working closely with individual pupils or a small group of targeted pupils to improve playtimes. Our mentors can run a variety of games/activities and be on hand to guide pupils to safer play, defusing any situations that may usually occur during this time whilst giving the pupils new ideas for play.

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